Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Back!

Okay its been about 9 months since my last blog. I have been following a friend's blog that is truly amazing! She def has the gift of gab and did I mention her pics? She has a great camera and a great subject to photograph. It is her blog that got me started to begin with. I will try to do better this year on keeping up with my blog.

Anyway, Daxon is almost 2. TWO!!!! Can you believe it? I sure can't. I look back at old pics of him and always say to myself "I sure miss this age". Does this mean I have baby fever and want another one? Jeremy thinks so. I think I do want one more, I just want Daxon to be potty trained or "almost" potty trained. Because let's face it, 2 in diapers would be awfully expensive!!

I am in shock at how much Daxon is learning. He is learning so much everyday that
I can barely keep up with all new "words" he is attempting to say. He goes to an in-home daycare twice a week and he has made some little friends he talks about. Ms. Hollie has been woderful. I put Daxon in daycare for the social aspect. Since I stay home, he was never around other children. I got two awesome recommendations for Ms. Hollie so she was def our first pick!! Daxon loves Ms. Hollie (eventhough he still cries when I drop him off) so much!


  1. I hope Adelyn is one of Daxons little friends!
    Cuuuuuute blog.

  2. Yay! I'm so excited that you're blogging again!

  3. i'm glad you're back. welcome! and i just wanted to post on this post even though i saw you have a new, more recent one, because then you'd get 3 amandas on one post. and that my friend may be a new blog first. i can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures!
